Sample Reports and screenshots

Student User Report

User Report

The Student User Report is available to account holding student users, who have logged in. There is a link to the report in their personal menu.

When the report page opens, it shows every session recorded by that student. To see data for s specific operation, such as addition or subtraction, the student uses the Select Operation dropdown box to select that operation. Likewise to focus on a particular order of magnitude, such as tens or hundreds the student uses the Order of Magnitude dropdown box. And to focus on a particular item layout, the student uses the Answer Position dropdown box.

Click on the screenshot to try out a sample report.

Teacher's Report

Teacher's Report

The Teacher's Report is available to account holding teachers, who have logged in. There is a link to the report in their personal menu. The report will show sessions for all students whose accounts have been created by them.

When the report page opens, it shows reports for all of these students, in alphabetical order. It may be necessary to scroll down the page to see all of them. To see data for just one student, the teacher selects that student from the dropdown box.

To see data for just specific operation, orders of magnitude or answer positions, the teacher uses those dropdown boxes to make their selection, just as the students do on their report page.

Click on the screenshot to try out a sample report.

Principal or Administrator's Report

Administrator's Report

The Administrator's Report is available to the holder of the Administrator account at any school. This may be the school principal, or someone else. There is a link to the report in their personal menu. It will show session data for all students whose accounts have been created by teachers, whose accounts were in turn created by the administrator at that school.

When the page opens, it shows reports for all of your students, in alphabetical order. It may be necessary to scroll down the page to see all of them. To see data for just one student, the administrator may select that student directly from the student dropdown box, just as the teachers do. Alternatively, by selecting a particular teacher from the Teacher dropdown box, the principal can limit the students appearing in the student dropdown box to those whose accounts were created by that teacher.

The procedure for filtering the data by operation, order of magnitude or answer position is the same as it is for students and teachers.

Click on the screenshot to try out a sample report.